Strategy Objectives, measures and initiatives
Departments are aligned to the business’s diversity and inclusivity objectives and initiatives to ensure integration with the overall business strategy.
Leadership and Management Informed, committed Leadership and Management Leaders and managers are committed to diversity and inclusivity, demonstrate respect, and are credible and visible spokespersons, leading by example.
Roles and responsibilities Dedicated resources with roles and responsibilities
Role clarity and accountability for the implementation of the various diversity and inclusivity initiatives through managers, HR practitioners, allies and other identified role players.
Policies, procedures and practices that meet the diverse needs of the business Policies and administrative directives provide a framework to reduce misunderstandings and uncertainties and serve as a basis for diversity and inclusivity.
Inclusivity experience (Culture and climate)
Fairness of Employment Practices (fairness of reviews, compensation, employee development and promotion), Integration of Differences (whether people’s differences are respected, appreciated and if employees share and learn about each other as people), Inclusion in Decision-making (whether employee input is sought, valued and used to redefine work practices).
Attract and retain people who value diversity and inclusivity
Attract and retain a talented workforce skilled at working in an inclusive and respectful manner with one another, clients and the community.
A receptive business that removes barriers to inclusivity
Training which reflects diversity and inclusion understanding and values, designed to improve interactions, and respects diversity of work performed by all employees and Ally programs.