Dorchester Collection is a Stonewall Champion and a proud advocate of Diversity and Inclusion
Dorchester Collection’s people, and their unique, individual personalities, are our most prized asset. The company is committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect, with processes that are fair and open. We do not participate in or tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. Dorchester Collection nurtures an environment that honours and celebrates the differences that bring a new perspective to our culture, in which people can be innovative and take personal and collective responsibility for their actions.
Eugenio Pirri, chief People and Culture Officer, says, “We have a robust code of ethical conduct that respects all employees in every aspect. As a part of the LGBTQ+ community myself, creating an environment where our people feel valued and safe is my top priority.”
Gender Equality
Over the past 10 years, Dorchester Collection has continued the focus on elevating the status of women within the organisation. Today the gender balance within global leadership teams is at a ratio of 47:53 women to men within the entire company, up from 38:62 just five years ago.
Dorchester Collection is a member of the Women in Hospitality, Travel and Leisure Association, an organisation devoted to increasing women’s and ethnic minorities’ representation at all levels and in leadership positions across these industries. It reinvests 100% of its profits into achieving this mission.
LGBTQ+ community: Stonewall Champion & United Nations Standards of Conduct
We are proud to be a Stonewall Champion, a member of the leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBTQ+ employees are accepted without exception in the workplace, made up of over 850 organisations that share a core belief in the power of a workplace that is truly equal.
We are fully committed to the UN Standards of Conduct to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and intersex people, reaffirming our commitment to fighting all forms of discrimination. These standards include five commitments:
• Respect the human rights of LGBTQ+ workers, customers and stakeholders
• Eliminate workplace discrimination against LGBTQ+ employees
• Support LGBTQ+ employees at work
• Prevent discrimination against LGBTQ+ suppliers, customers, and distributors, and insist that Dorchester Collection stakeholders do the same
• Stand up for the human rights of LGBTQ+ people in communities where companies do business
Diversity: training and policies
We put emphasis on training and development for our people within all facets of the business, and diversity and inclusion are interwoven within each programme. Annual diversity and inclusion sessions take place across all hotels, including cultural fairs showcasing different backgrounds, international food festivals in employee dining areas, screening of diversity related films, showcasing diversity related art and much more.
Policies, procedures, and training include:
• Dorchester Collection Code
• Commitment to Trans Equality Policy
• Gender Identified/ Binary Status Grooming Standards Policy
• Harassment & Discrimination Prevention Policy
• Diversity training
• Respect training
• Employee ethics reporting line
• Employee care support 24/7
• Mentoring programme
Dorchester Collection: Champions of Diversity

by Pride Life
