LGBT+ History Month starts today

Body, Mind and Spirit is the theme of this year’s LGBT+ History Month, which launches today, 1 February.
Now in its 16th year, the LGBT+ History Month is organised by School’sOUT UK, who campaign for LGBT+ inclusion, awareness, and visibility in educational establishments as well as in the wider community.
Due to the Covid situation, the month, which normally includes over 500 discussions and event throughout the country, will now take place largely on line.
This year’s LGBT+ History Month in the UK will feature a huge choice of programmes and online events celebrating the rich diversity – past, present and future – of the LGBT+ community in the UK.
Over 80 fully-resourced lessons raising LGBT+ awareness are available for free for teachers to use in the classroom.
Its affiliate project, OUTing the Past, is hosted by 18 individual hubs from England to New York and offers over 70 presentations of LGBT+ culture and history. To see the full list of events go to the OUTing the Past website
For more information and to download free resources go to LGBT+ History Month