Pride Life Presents… Max Siegel
In this exciting chat with the amazing Max Siegel (known by a select few as “Mr Dapper”), he explains who he is- a content creator, influencer, artist, speaker and educator. However he delves into what it feels like to not know yourself and what it was like to get to know his true authentic self.
He throws light onto why it is important to keep putting in the work into progression for LGBTQI+ rights- with mainstream media still not being on our side, to keep on speaking up is essential and progression is not a given.
He touches on the story of how he entered into the fashion industry by a meeting in Dalston Superstore via Both& apparel and explains why clothing specifically made for AFAB bodies is so needed. Max recognises that queer people often struggle to feel that they deserve nice things, in the same way other people might. Therefore learning this is all part of the process.
Saski and Max discuss issues that trans people might face when travelling that other people might not know about. They discuss why people outside the trans community feel they can ask intruding questions, and when people actually should be asking more questions (between you and your intimate partner).
Tune into this episode to learn more about what gender euphoria means, making space for “squeaky bum conversations” and get the skinny on his engagement!
We’d love to congratulate Max and Lori on getting engaged and we wish them all the best! A special thanks to the highly entertaining Max Siegel for coming on this week’s episode.